Dear users! Do not miss the opportunity to explore exclusive collections of books from Academic Studies Press, as well as books from leading academic publishers in the field of humanities and medicine. All English-language collections are available on the separate tab in the ‘Collections’ section. On request, we can also tailor the selection to meet your academic needs by contacting experienced international scholars. For questions about purchasing collections, please contact Natalia Yurchenko ([email protected]), and to build a collection that matches your research interests, please contact Maria Ivanova ([email protected]).
Dear subscribers! We remind you about our catalog sections. On the left side of the website in the Hudozhestvennaya literatura section you can choose your favorite genre and find bestsellers from both Russian authors (Oksana Vasyakina, Sergey Nosov, Sofia Sinitskaya, Oleg Postnov, Sergey Kruglov and many others) and of translated literature (Ursula K. Le Guin, Jorge Carrion, Ann-Gael Juon, Laurie Elizabeth Flynn, Karl Uwe Knausgaard, etc.)
Dear reader! At the moment our website is undergoing technical works with the function of SAML-remote access. This may cause malfunctions in the personal account and loading of the catalog of books. We will eliminate the problem in the near future. If our failure has interfered with your working plans and you need access to a particular book, write to the editor-in-chief at [email protected] and we will try to help you.
New books from 2024 from Academic Studies Press, Ad Marginem, Al'pina Publisher, The Higher School of Economics, Lomonosov, Bibliorossica, Yazyki slavianskoĭ kulʹtury, New Literary Observer are now available on the Bibliorossika digital library. The best theoretical works and non-fiction in the field of humanities already in your digital library.
The books of the winners of the Prosvetitel Prize are available in our e-book library:
- In the "Politprosvet" section, the award went to Vasilii Aksiionov for his book The War of Patriotisms: Propaganda and Mass Attitudes in Russia in the Period of the Collapse of the Empire
- In the category "Humanities" was awarded Oleg Khlevniuk for his book Corporation of impostors. Shadow economy and corruption in Stalin's USSR
Our website is currently undergoing essential maintenance to address potential disruptions in search engine functionality. Our technical support is working towards resolving this issue as swiftly as possible. We sincerely appreciate your comprehension and patience during this period of technical improvements.
Dear follower! We are pleased to offer you an individual subscription to our full collection of books. Among them there are more than 26.000 editions on different disciplines: from humanities to engineering, an extensive collection of fiction and popular science literature. A trial month option is available to our new users and it can be obtained by subscribing to our newsletter. The current cost of an annual subscription for individual users is $ 280. We will be glad to answer your questions! For more information please write an email to: [email protected] (Maria Gargyants).
Dear subscribers! On June the 1st (Thursday) from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM (Moscow time) the website will be under technical maintenance. We apologize if this causes you any inconvenience. is launching a monthly newsletter covering new titles and news from the Russian book market. As a digital library that houses the most prominent independent Russian publishers in the field of the humanities, we would be happy to keep you informed about reviews, events, and articles which deal with Russian, Jewish, and Eastern European culture, language, and literature. You're welcome to subscribe to our mailing list by filling out the form here.
Librarians and scholars are welcome to arrange a one-month trial to the digital library Bibliorossica for their libraries. To request test access, please contact our manager Andrey Efits at [email protected]